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Garfari Teknik
Garfari Teknik

Penawaran Kerjasama

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  • Sewa / Rental Gedung Balai Sudirman

    Sewa / Rental Gedung....


    Balai Sudirman Pekanbaru.
    Meeting, Wedding, Events, Catering.
    Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.212 ( samping jalan kasah) Pekanbaru.

    Fasilitas :
    - Full AC ( air conditioner) ....

  • Sewa / Rental equipment stage rigging

    Sewa / Rental....


    Rental equipment stage rigging.
    Ukuran 8x6 M
    Ukuran 8x10 M
    Ukuran 8x12 M
    Ukuran 10x12 M

  • Sewa / Rental,  Servis genset open & silent

    Sewa / Rental, ....


    Electrikal, Dan Mekanikal
    Sewa / Rental Equipment Genset, Service, Dan Project PLTD

  • Sewa / Rental AC Standing Flowr and blower

    Sewa / Rental AC....


    Rental AC Standing Flowr and blower, mulai dari kapasitas 3PK sampai dengan 5PK,
    Cocok buat acara pesta, pameran, dll.

  • Sewa / Rental lighting and projector

    Sewa / Rental....


    Rental lighting and projector.

    Moving head, follow spot, smoke machine, mini brute, par can 64, freshnel, multi laser, sky rose, pyro, dll.

    Multimedia projector 5.000 sampai....

  • Sewa / Rental sound system and instrument

    Sewa / Rental sound....


    Rental sound system dan instrument.

    Spesifikasi sound 10.000watts sampai dengan 50.000watts.
    Sound Line Aray Buil' up TD' Taichee.
    Sound Costum RCF.

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